
When to Upgrade

REMIT has undergone several upgrades since the initial distribution in 1992. However, ALL the upgrades have involved only the executable program and support files. Each upgrade has been backwards compatible with the data files from the previous version. If you require a complete installation or an upgrade of the software, see the section on downloading REMIT.

REMIT 5.1 IS THE CURRENT VERSION. This is a Windows version of REMIT and it will run under Windows 95, or higher, including Windows NT. REMIT 5.1 is a 32-bit application and will not run in 16-bit operating systems. See the upgrade details for more information.

If you need to continue using the DOS version of REMIT, continue to use version 3.7. For support for version 3.7 or to get a copy of the files, contact technical support at 865-481-8565. The DOS version will no longer undergo software updates.

If you are using a version of REMIT that is version 4.0 or higher and you are using a Windows 32-bit operating system, you should upgrade to version 5.1. The upgrade process will NOT affect any of your data that you have entered previously. However, as a precaution, always backup your data in the /DBFS directory prior to any modifications.


Since the initial development of the REMIT program by the NRC, the software has undergone twelve revisions. Each revision has been due to an identified error in the software program or an improvement. Most of the errors have been identified by REMIT users, while some have been identified by the developers and technical support staff during continued testing and deployment of the software.

NRC encourages REMIT users to report any errors in the software through REMIT technical support or to NRC REIRS Project Manager. Licensees who identify errors in the REMIT System receive an upgrade immediately. All issues that are regulatory in nature should be addressed directly to the NRC.

REMIT Upgrade History

Version:     3.1	
Date:        10/22/93		
Error:       Uranium chemical toxicity limit error.
Description: The program incorrectly calculates the amount (in grams) of uranium from the activity
             entered for an intake.  Pertinent pages of Users Manual updated.

Version:     3.2	
Date:        1/6/94		
Error:       Increase flexibility in entering extremity doses
             Error generated when adding new individual's dose.
Description: Licensees requested additional flexibility in allowing extremity doses (SDE-ME)
             in the Worksheet when no corresponding shallow dose whole body (SDE-WB) records 
             are present.  Under certain circumstances, the program would fail during the entry 
             of an individual’s dose record.  Error corrected and pertinent pages of Users Manual

Version:     3.3	
Date:        2/1/94		
Error:       Correction for dose record entry prior to implementation
Description: Old dose records prior to implementation of the Revised Part 20 could not be entered
             if they were consecutive at one licensee.  Correction for overexposures applied to 
             PSE limits .  Program did not correctly apply previous exposures in excess of the 
             limits to the PSE limits.

Version:     3.4	
Date:        3/3/94		
Error:       Incorrect positioning of intake data in electronic Form 5 output file
             Correction for maximum chemical toxicity administrative limit
Description: One of the fields for an intake record was not positioned correctly in the ASCII 
             file output.  This would not cause an error in submitting data to the NRC using 
             REMIT 3.3 or earlier.  The default setting for the maximum chemical toxicity limit 
             for uranium was incorrect.  The setting was too low,  triggering false chemical 
             toxicity limit messages when uranium intakes were entered.  Pertinent pages of 
             Users Manual updated.

Version:     3.5	
Date:        5/5/94		
Error:       Error when importing non-numeric doses in CDE
Description: The program would fail when attempting to import Form 4 records for certain 
             combinations of DDE and CDE entered as NR or ND.

Version:     3.6	
Date:        5/17/96		
Error:       Inconsistency in assigning NR, ND, NC in TODE
Description: The program would assign inconsistent values for NR, ND, NC 
             for the TODE field depending on the order the user entered the
             data for CEDE, CDE.  This error did not cause erroneous data to
             be reported to the NRC.

Version:     3.7	
Date:        10/08/97		
Error:       Problem importing SDE-WB values of NR, ND
Description: The program would not import dosimetry processor records that
             had SDE-WB values of ND or NR with numeric values of SDE-ME.
             In addition, users can now edit the list of licensees in their

Version:     4.0	
Date:        12/31/98		
Error:       No problems identified. Upgraded to Windows.
Description: The program was updated to Windows. In addition to the operating
             system upgrade, the software was tested for Y2K compliance and
             updated to allow for multi-user access to the data over a network.

Version:     4.1
Date:        3/16/99		
Error:       Minor print problems, allows monitoring year editing, summarized intakes on Form 5.
Description: Fixed problem with print margins on Forms 4 and 5. Fixed error
             where REMIT substituted SDE-ME for the SDE-WB value on Form 4. Program now 
             allows editing of monitoring years in licensee set-up. Intakes for the same 
             nuclide during the monitoring year are summed and printed as one line on the 
             Form 5 instead of separate lines for each intake entry. Error notices and 
             messages stay on the screen longer.

Version:     4.2
Date:        2/24/00		
Error:       Format of intake amount on Form 5, import data monitoring year.
Description: The format of the intake value on the Form 5 would print in decimal form in some
             cases and scientific format in other cases. It will now print in scientific
             notation in all cases. Fixed problem where the monitoring year was not 
             correct if new records were imported using the Form 4 import module.
             Fixed error when importing personnel records in ASCII format when gender
             was null. Allows for longer licensee name and address on Form 5 and Form 4.

Version:     4.3
Date:        4/17/00		
Error:       Would not execute under Windows NT, Service Pack 5
Description: Certain users reported that they could not launch the application under Windows NT
             running Service Pack 5.  The problem was a change in the file date/time stamp.
             This change in the date/time format caused REMIT to generate an error message 
             stating that the EPA-11 dose conversion library file had been modified and 
             REMIT would not run.  This problem has been fixed in Version 4.3.  This is 
             the only modification that has been made for this version.

Version:     5.0
Date:        1/17/02		
Error:       No errors identified. Upgrade to 32-bit application. 16-bit operating systems 
             no longer supported.
Description: Several features have been added to Version 5.0 that have been requested by users:
             (1) A menu option for creating blank exposure records at the beginning of the 
                 monitoring year. 
             (2) When importing dosimetry processor records, REMIT now generates a warning 
                 message in the import log file if it found a matching record and therefore
                 updated (overwrote) the existing record. 
             (3) REMIT will generate a warning message on screen if any individual exceeds 
                 the applicable dose limits (regulatory or administrative) during dosimetry 
                 processor records import. 
             (4) REMIT will now allow users to choose the order of the dose records. Records 
                 can now be viewed in order of ID# or Name.

Version:     5.1
Date:        8/23/02		
Error:       REMIT Version 5.1 was updated in response to requests and to fix minor 
             bugs identified by users:

             (1) The Order By feature functioned inconsistently. After printing a Form 5, 
                 it would revert to ordering the records by ID number, regardless of the 
                 selected order. Problem was fixed.
             (2) The comment field caused problems when printing in some cases under 
                 Windows 2000. Problem was fixed.
             (3) The employee Delete button was not deleting the individual from the 
                 database.  Fixed.
             (4) The doses Worksheet feature was modified to automatically populate the 
                 monitoring begin date when adding a new record in the Worksheet entry 
                 screen. This speeds data entry. Also, the error trapping routines for 
                 this screen were modified to work more smoothly during data entry.
             (5) An additional option was added to allow entry in millirems into the 
                 doses Worksheet screen. Users can select Rem or Millirem for viewing 
                 and entry of the data into the Worksheet.  
                 Select Setup - System Configuration - Worksheet Units to select the 
                 desired units. This does not effect the REMIT database files or the 
                 dose screen, which still use rem.
             (6) The Order By and Worksheet Units were moved to the Setup - System 
                 Configuration menu options.

Last modified: 10/02

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