REMIT logo Details on REMIT for Windows


Operating System

REMIT 5.1 is a Windows version of REMIT and it will run under Windows 95 (or higher). This includes Windows NT, Windows 98, or Windows 2000. It will not run under the DOS operating system or 16-bit operating systems.

If you need to continue using the DOS version of REMIT, continue to use version 3.7. For support for version 3.7 or to get a copy of the files, contact technical support at 865-481-8565. However, keep in mind that the DOS version will no longer undergo software updates.

Y2K Compatibility

The Windows version of REMIT has been tested for compatibility with the Year 2000 problem. All dates contain the complete 4-digit century designation, and dates into the Year 2000 are processed correctly. Therefore the software is designated as Y2K compatible. However, no guarantee can be made concerning the functioning of REMIT in combination with your system, since your computer system may not be Y2K compatible.

Pursuant to the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act, P.L. 105-271, this statement has been designated a "Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure."

Multiple Users on a Network

REMIT for Windows has been designed to function in a multi-user environment on a network. This feature allows multiple users to access the information in the REMIT data tables concurrently. For example, the data files and executable can be located on a network, and multiple users can run the program from their PC workstations on the network. Users can view the data concurrently. Updates can be made to the data tables, but two users cannot edit the same record at the same time. Certain features, such as data importing and reindexing, require exclusive use of data tables and cannot be run when multiple users are accessing the data tables.

Users can set up their own working directories and default file locations. This allows users to personalize their REMIT configuration for their network and PC. The first time a user uses REMIT, select Setup, System Configuration, File Locations:

Screen image of REMIT setup menu

You will be presented with a screen to define the directories for the data tables, the reference data files, and your user-specific working directory.

Screen image of REMIT file location menu

Data Files contain the exposure records for monitored individuals. You can change this directory in order to look at data in other directories, such as the TESTDATA directory. You can also designate the directory to use as your default directory that will be accessed first each time REMIT is launched. To establish a directory as the default, click in the "Save as Default" check box to the right of the directory.

Reference Files contain lookup and reference data, such as configuration files, support files, and the dose conversion factors from EPA-11. The reference files should be in the same directory as the REMIT executable.

Working Files contain temporary files that REMIT sets up when users are editing and manipulating the data. Each user should set up their own working files directory.

Setting Up REMIT on a Network

To set up REMIT for multiple users on a network, install REMIT on the network server, or in a directory accessible to all users. Each user will run the REMIT application from this common directory. When new users run REMIT for the first time, they should establish the approprite file locations. The data files should reside in a shared area accessible by all users. The reference files should reside in the same directory as the REMIT program. The working files should reside on the user's PC and must be a unique directory for each user.

Data Screen

Most of the features in REMIT for Windows are similar to the DOS version. However, the functionality of the main screen (called the DATA screen in the DOS verion) has been changed. The data screen is now visible at all times with the upper section of the screen containing the employee information, and the lower section containing dose records. The control buttons in the top section are used to manipulate the employee records, and the control buttons in the lower section are used for the dose records. In this way the user can move through employee records and dose records to find a desired record more quickly.

Screen image of REMIT data screen

Licensee Information Menu Items

All of the functions under Licensee Information have been broken down into separate submenus. Each submenu functions the same as previous versions of REMIT.

In previous versions of REMIT, "affiliated licenses" were referred to as "associated licenses". These are license numbers that will be reporting with the primary licensee. For example, a company can have several NRC licenses and all of them may be maintained together in REMIT. The list of affiliated license numbers should include only those license numbers that will be reporting together to the NRC.

"Other Licenses" represents a list of licensees that are recorded among the dose records but will not be reported with the primary license records. Typically these licensees have no organizational relationship with the primary license. This list simply speeds the entry of dose records into REMIT by entering the licensee name automatically.

Dose Distribution Report

A new report was added to the REPORTS menu called a dose distribution report. This report provides a summary of the dose records for a given monitoring year. The dose ranges are the same as the dose ranges used by the NRC in the annual report of occupational exposure. Two sets of data are presented. One distribution is for the main licensee which includes all affiliated licenses, and the other distribution includes all dose records for all monitored individuals in the database for the monitoring year. The first distribution represents the set of records reported to the NRC for the year. The second one can be used to view the total doses for monitored individuals for dose tracking purposes.

Licensees are encouraged to include the dose distribution report with their annual submittal to the NRC in order to ensure correct transmittal of all monitoring records.

Blank Form 4 and 5

In addition to the ability to generate Form 4 and Form 5 reports for monitored individuals, REMIT can now generate blank forms for their own use. One use would be for incoming new employees to fill out their prior dose history.

System Configuration

A menu item has been added under System Configuration, called Configuration Settings. This feature displays many of the current system settings for the user.

Record Order

REMIT now has a feature which allows the user to select the order of the employee records. Select Setup from the main menu, then Order By. You will be able to select from ID Number or Name. ID Number will order the employee records based on the individual's ID Number, typically the SSN. The Name option will order the employee records by last name and first name. By selecting Save As Default, you can determine the default order setting.

Many Subdirectories With Data

Several REMIT users have reported that they keep track of separate data files for different licensees using REMIT. While REMIT was not designed specifically for this activity, it does allow for this situation. Users may set up additional subdirectories and each subdirectory can contain data files for a separate licensee (or non-NRC licensee). To set this up, copy the contents of the \dbfs directory into a new directory. [Be sure to do this when the \dbfs directory is first installed, so the database files will be blank. Otherwise you will be making a complete copy of your existing data files and it may get confusing.]

NOTE: If you have a version of REMIT previous to 5.1, and you have already established subdirectories for separate data files, you will need to copy one new file called "site_ord.dbf" from the \dbfs directory into each subdirectory containing data files once you install 5.1. You will find the "site_ord.dbf" file in the \dbfs directory when you install 5.1. Simply copy this file into each data directory. Contact technical support at 865-481-8565 if you have questions.

Last modified: 8/02

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