REMIT logo REMIT Support FAQ - Common Problems


Whenever you experience problems with REMIT, the first thing to try is REINDEXing.

  1. Run REMIT
  2. From the main menu, select File, then Reindex
  3. When reindexing is complete, go back and try to do what you were doing before

This is the most common fix for most of the problems users run into using REMIT. It re-builds the index files that allow REMIT to find all the data and relate the various database files together. These index files can become corrupt for several reasons. REMIT is very good at protecting the data files from corruption, so re-indexing should be all you need to do. Try re-indexing first whenever you have troubles, even if the error message does not indicate an index problem.


Generating the Data File for Submitting to NRC

In 2003, several licenses have had problems in submitting the data file in the correct format after generating the data file using REMIT.  The problem is not with the REMIT software.  Some users have attempted to open the data file and modify the file using Microsoft Excel or other software.  Please note that the data file is an ASCII text file that is in a specific format.  Opening this file using Excel or word processing software will change the file structure if you save the file.  DO NOT save the file after viewing.  If you need to open the file to review it, you can open the file using any application you wish, but do not save it when done viewing.  If you would like a copy of the file for your records in another format, then save a copy of the file under another file name and then format the copy.  If there are problems with the dose records in the data file, you need to correct the dose records using REMIT and then re-generate the data file.  The file that you submit to NRC should be the unmodified "NRCFORM5.DAT" file generated by REMIT.

Also note that you can now submit the data file on-line via this web site for expedited processing.  Click here for more information.

REMIT and Windows

REMIT 5.1 is a 32-bit Windows version of REMIT and it will run under Windows 95 or higher, including Windows NT. It will not run under the DOS operating system. REMIT 5.1 is a 32-bit application and will not run under 16-bit operating systems.

If you need to continue using the DOS version of REMIT, continue to use version 3.7. For support for version 3.7 or to get a copy of the files, contact technical support at 865-481-8565. However, keep in mind that the DOS version will no longer undergo software updates.

Monitoring Years

The entry of the defined monitoring years for your facility is crucial to the operation of REMIT. REMIT needs to know the exact dates that you define as the monitoring year in order to check an individual’s dose against the regulatory limits. The Revised 10 CFR Part 20.1003 allows you to define a “year” beginning any day in January, so long as no day is omitted or duplicated in consecutive years. (December 31st is accepted as an end-of-year date.) These dates must be entered into the Monitoring Years box on the Licensee Information screen. Select the Setup main menu option and the Licensee Info submenu option. When you first install REMIT you will see a message directing you to enter the monitoring year information. This is the first thing you will need to do when installing REMIT.

In addition to the need for REMIT to know the monitoring year dates for dose limit purposes, the earliest date entered is assumed to be the date of implementation of the Revised Part 20. All licensees were required to implement the Revised Part 20 on or before January 1, 1994. Exposure records entered after this date must comply with the new regulations concerning dose limits and exposure records. Records covering periods prior to implementation are not subject to these requirements. See the Users Manual, Section 4.1.4, page 4-13 for more information concerning monitoring years.

Use for Multiple Licenses

Some users are using REMIT to process dosimetry information for more than one independent NRC licensee. REMIT was not designed for this use. However, certain accommodations can be made to allow for this activity. Please contact REMIT technical support if you have questions concerning the handling of data for multiple licensees.

This is not to be confused with the “Affiliated Licenses” feature of REMIT that allows several licenses to be reported together under one primary license. The Affiliated Licenses feature was specifically designed for facilities that have more than one NRC license and report all exposures under one primary license. It does not allow for separate tracking and reporting of exposure records for multiple independent licensees. License numbers that are not affiliated with the primary license are considered Other Licenses and can be added in the Other Licenses option. Contact technical support if you have any questions concerning the distinction between Other Licenses and Affiliated Licenses.

Importing Data

REMIT allows for importing data in two ways: Form 4 data, and Dosimetry Processor Data. Form 4 data consists of the summary dose information recorded on an NRC Form 4. This option was designed to allow facilities to transfer dosimetry information electronically from one facility to the next. Form 4 records do not include the information for specific intakes, but do include the totals for CDE, CEDE, TODE, and TEDE for each exposure period. The Form 4 import feature can be used to import personnel information by itself, or in combination with dose data. This feature could be used for initially loading personnel data from an existing personnel file. See Section 5.2.3 for more information concerning the Form 4 import feature.

Dosimetry Processor data can also be imported electronically. This feature is designed to accept an electronic file from your dosimetry processor and automatically update your Form 5 dose records. The feature works in conjunction with the Worksheet function of REMIT. The file format of the processor data MUST match the data structure of the Worksheet data. See Section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 for more information. If you have any questions about this feature, please call technical support.

Both the Form 4, and Dosimetry Processor import features require that the source files be correctly formatted according to the specifications presented in the Users Manual. It may take some time and effort to set up the import files initially, but they can save time in data entry. If you inform your dosimetry processor that you are using REMIT, they may be able to provide you with the appropriately formatted file for importing.

Reporting Form 4s to NRC

Several licensees have been reporting Form 4s to the NRC. Form 4s are not required to be reported to the NRC under the Revised 10 CFR 20. Only NRC Form 5s for the monitoring year are required to be reported. Form 4s do not report all of the required information and cannot be used as a substitute in reporting under 10 CFR 20.2206.